Claim Your Heritage

Are you up for the challenge? The annual Mountain Games will take place on September 21 at Heritage Farms in Huntington. See if you or your friends have the survival skills needed to live in the hollers of Appalachia like your ancestors did.
All are welcome to participate in the Games, which include:
- Appalachian Obstacle Course
- Bigfoot Hunting
- Rock Wall Climbing
- Archery
- Tomahawk Throwing
- Dead Eye Shooting (with paintball rifle)
- Pitch Fork Throwing
The Games will run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Test your own abilities or cheer on others!

Compete in all of the Games for a chance to earn the title and trophy of Mountain Man (men ages 18+), Mountain Woman (women ages 18+), Mountain Teen (Youth aged 12-17) or Mountain Kid (Children 11 years of age and under).
The 4th Annual Trail Run (10 or 5K) will take place prior to the Games at 8:30 a.m. These are some of the toughest trails around. All proceeds from the Trail Run benefit Heritage Farms’ education programs.

Registration with or without the Trail Run includes admission to Heritage Farms Museum and Village activities.